The Measurement Of Intraocular Pressure  

Tonometry - the measurement of intraocular pressure. It is used to diagnose glaucoma and disorders in the optic nerve.

Method of tonometry is simple, first introduced in the patient’s eye drops, reducing the sensitivity of the cornea, and then applied to the surface of ophthalmic tonometer.

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The device has a small amount of pressure on the cornea, and the result of this study is its reverse resistance.

Tachymetry gives you the measurement of corneal thickness in different points. The research is conducted using ultrasonic treatment.

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Used to diagnose corneal dystrophy and is actively used before laser correction and for the assessment of the eye after a corneal transplant.

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Bio microscopy is visual examination of the cornea, lens, iris and other parts of the eye by creating a contrast between light and dark spots to evaluate the status of optical media, blood vessels and optic nerves.

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Ophthalmoscopy - the most common examination using a slit lamp, in which the inspection is made of the eyeball and adnexa eye performed to diagnose diseases of the cornea, iris, lens and vitreous.

Gonioscopy - study the anterior chamber angle using a slit lamp and Gonioscopy - a special device, which is a system of mirrors performed to detect abnormalities of the anterior chamber angle (tumors, foreign bodies, etc.)

Corneal topography - eyes examined by scanning its surface, whose main purpose is to determine the sphericity of the cornea.

The scanning is performed using a laser beam, and the result is a topographic “map” on which sections of different heights are color-coded.


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