Many Ophthalmic Diseases Have Similar Symptoms  

Conduct any microsurgical or laser interventions precedes full complex computer diagnostic examination view, survey reveals range of existing problems and determine treatment strategy.

Any disease of eye requires a special approach in the treatment, including at the stage of determining the diagnosis.

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Many ophthalmic diseases have similar symptoms, so diagnosis and especially to determine the extent of the disease without a thorough inspection using specialized equipment beyond the power even for experienced professionals.

At an early stage diagnosis is desirable to conduct the plan. Below is a summary of the main methods of diagnosis of eye diseases.

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Eye exams by special tables and trial lenses, currently, their place is gradually taking a more modern projectors and chiropter.

This study is subjective, as much depends on the state organs of the body and at the time of diagnosis. One of the varieties is selection of eyeglass lenses.

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Auto Refract meter - study refraction and corneal curvature force produced by the automatic functions using this device allows you to fully automate the process.

All that is required from the patient is to look at a special label, thereby keeping your head in a static position.

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Radiometry - measuring curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea. This study is used to calculate the optical power of the artificial lens and also allows you to detect and measure astigmatism.

Earlier radiometry was done by hand with a ruler, but in our heart for this study used a special device radiometry.


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The Measurement Of Intraocular Pressure

Tonometry - the measurement of intraocular pressure. It is used to diagnose glaucoma and disorders in the optic nerve.Method of tonometry is simple, first introduced in the patient’s eye drops, reducing the sensitivity of the cornea, and... Continue →